While this post is really aimed at the female half of the
population, I hope our male readers will have a superior chuckle and go on to
share the post with their female friends and family!
A good friend warned me that French public toilets were gross
- and came with a fee and three or four squares of toilet paper. Having no memory of my earlier experience of
European toilets (28 years ago), I suspected that Italian loos wouldn’t be much
better. Thanks to something I read about
a while ago – I can’t remember where – I started investigating what I was to
learn are known collectively as female urinary devices – FUDs.
An FUD basically gives females a temporary ‘penis’, for
peeing standing up and almost fully dressed.
It’s easier to achieve discretion with a skirt, despite marketing photos
that show the back view of a woman in jeans, her buttocks still well covered. They would have to be baggy jeans. For use in a toilet cubicle, discretion is of
course not a concern, but the FUD will keep your clean buttocks well away from
some foul experiences!
There are a few different brands available, with different shapes – SheWee, Go Girl (this review of the Go Girl is entertaining), WhizBiz, pStyle, Pee-Zee ……. the SheWee is available here in retail stores. I also did a search on Trademe and found the P ez which was cheap compared to the others. I thought I'd give it a try and if it generally worked but its design had flaws I would then have a better idea of how to choose the model that suited me. But I have no need to change to another.
Their use does require a bit of practice, and reading
personal experiences and tips online will add to the likelihood of
success. You may think it is gross, but
the first place to practice is in your shower – practicing over your toilet
will at best show you need no further practice, but at worse you’ll be washing
the toilet and floor, laundering your clothes, and having a shower! Having succeeded in the shower, the garden
could be your next ‘target’ – it’s good to get practice in keeping you shoes
dry - bare feet and a handy hose might be a good idea!
my P ez kit |
I set myself up with a little ‘kit’. In a zip-lock plastic
bag I have my FUD, a small bottle of hand steriliser, a small packet of
tissues, and a toilet seat cover for those times when I absolutely have to sit
The first time I took my FUD out for a day to Sanremo we
headed to toilets at the old train station and discovered a man collecting
‘donations’, providing perfectly clean toilets and a full supply of toilet
paper. On our second trip we risked the
toilets in the new train station and for free found them to be almost as clean
and again supplying toilet paper. And at an indoor food market the toilets were free, clean and supplied paper, but no toilet seats! Just
as I was beginning to wonder if my suspicions of Italian toilets were unfair,
we visited the mountain village
of Triora. They had one toilet for male and female. It had no seat. It stank.
The toilet brush was long past showing any sign that it was probably
white beneath the scunge. There was no
paper. At least there was a sink with
running water, though no soap. I was
very grateful to have my FUD kit!
Triora at least had a toilet - it's quite touristy - but it seems there are often no public toilets available. A few times we just used bushes - no different from home really, except that there are snakes and scorpions here, and people everywhere. In villages we found cafes that had toilets and bought a drink or something - they were clean.
So, ladies, if you want to be free to pee with ease and cleanliness, almost anywhere, I suggest you get one of these - before you need one!