We've both been Project Managers. Large corporations have been known to pay us quite large sums to manage projects and people. Preparing for our adventure is another project for us - though it does have a much more delightful outcome! We even have an online project plan on
www.zoho.com - you've seen a screen dump on one of Nigel's earlier posts.
But, no matter how good you are at planning, some things, some times, just won't go to plan. It’s been a week of those.
Today all three areas of ‘issues’ have reared
their difficult heads all in one day, and I’m going to let vent! I hope you'll see the funny side!
week ago we decided it was a good idea to upgrade the 250GB C: drive on my
It had seemed huge when I
bought it three years ago.
Anyway, it
was down to a spare 50GB, after I did some pruning, and my 80GB of videos
have always been stored on an external drive.
So I set my sights on 750GB (wonderful!).
I took it back to the place I’d bought
it from (and they shall remain nameless because they’re basically good
guys) and paid extra to have the operating system and MS Office
reinstalled and my data copied across from my old drive.
That all sounds good, so far!
Well, I went to pick it up and it wasn’t
ready, so I went away for an hour and came back to pick it up.
Not too bad.
I got it home and after reinstalling
some of the software that they couldn’t install (because they are
downloads, not on disk) discovered they’d installed the 32 bit version of
Windows 7 instead of the 64 bit version!!
In the morning they convinced me there was no difference. Hmmm.
Then I discovered that a lot of my data
hadn’t been copied across because it was at the top level of the C: drive
instead of under my user data.
not wanting to wait for them, I restored from backup.
But I wasn’t absolutely certain I’d
backed up all my old data to my most recent backup drive, so decided to be
cautious and went back to them to get them to fire up the old drive so I
could check.
I arrived as arranged (yesterday
afternoon) and was told that ‘no’ it wasn’t as simple as that and I’d need
to come back in the morning.
suggested 9am and they agreed.
I told them about my MS Office programs asking me to accept the user
license agreement every time they fired up after a re-boot.
They said they’d need to call Microsoft
to fix that one, and “it could take sometime”.
I didn’t like the sound of that so I did
a Google search, or two or three, and resolved the issue myself in half an
This morning I arrived late –
I hate doing that – at 9:15am and the manager and the tech guy I needed to
talk to were not there and I was told they were never in before 9:30am.
I’m embarrassed to say I let rip at the
other guy.
Actually, I’m not too
embarrassed – I wasn’t violent or rude (no swearing!).
I just said it wasn’t good enough, and
that it had been a balls up from the start (oops – that probably does
count as swearing, doesn’t it?), and that I was really angry about
it. As I charged out the door I think I even said something (silly) like "I'll be back!".
I don’t think he was very
scared, and he was friendly and happy to accept my apology when I
I’ve fired up the laptop
but haven’t checked the files yet.
I’m thinking positively.
Everything’s going to be great!!
there’s the rental property in Dunedin.
Did we mention we’re getting it
re-roofed and a few repairs done (like windows replaced) hopefully before
we depart.
Email’s been great for
keeping a record of everything, but getting the quotes sorted and managing
the two companies doing the work has not always been a smooth process - a process that started at the beginning of March.
Three weeks ago I explicitly followed
the roofers instructions to phone the power company to get the power
cables wrapped so the roofers and builders wouldn’t get electrocuted while they were
working on the house.
fair to me.
In the quote
they go so far as to give the phone number to call and the exact words to
say – they’ve obviously worked out that most of their clients are not
familiar with the terms used to describe the electricity services we
usually take for granted.
So the power company
goes out and checks and comes back to say it’s not necessary, they’re already
double insulated.
All good.
Except that today the roofer's come back
to say that they’ve spoken to the power company; it’s the road cables that
need to be wrapped and I need to approve the $650+gst fee for getting them
So I’ve spoken to the
power company guy – he says he’s confused too and he’s going out to the
I responded to the
roofers and suggested they make a small improvement to their explicit
I really was very
polite about it.
called our insurers the other day to let them know about the work being
done on the rental.
I phoned the
local office, where the insurance was arranged, and they said I needed to
speak to the Dunedin
office, so they transferred me.
pleasant and helpful Rob in the Dunedin office said he highly recommended
we take out construction insurance because if things went wrong the
builder's and roofer’s insurance would protect them, but not necessarily
us, and I had to go into our local office to organise that and to take
along copies of the quotes for the work, and I needed to know when the
work would start and when it would end because it would cost a lot more to extend the
insurance once it had started and if the insurance ended before the work
ended we wouldn’t be covered for that period. Phew!
So, this morning, while I seethed about
being ‘stood-up’ by the computer guys, I dashed off to the insurance
And there I was told they
don’t do construction insurance in Christchurch
(because of the earthquakes) and have no staff qualified to offer it for
other locations.
They gave me the
name of the best person to speak to in the Dunedin office.
Have you guessed the name yet?
Yes – Rob!!

Yes - I know it was supposed to be three gripes - but another opportunity has arisen, a WTF moment - and if you don't know what that stands for, I'm not going to tell you - it contains a rude word! We're selling the Honda. We've already had one scammer email us through the Buy, Sell Exchange ad. Now I've received this corker from Trademe:
Hi there i am very interested in the Honda number plate surrounds/frames. I
have the new edition ones i can give you on exchange if you're interested? I'm
happy to pay for them also, and i will give you these new ones too. Regards
We're selling a car, for goodness sake! Why in the world would we want to start pulling bits off it? We didn't list it under 'Car parts and accessories'. I'm astounded. And will resist any temptation I may have had to respond.
So now I've listed my gripes, I'll also take a moment to remember that we had a fantastic garage sale last Saturday, the Mazda sold and went to a new, loving home on Wednesday, and various bits of furniture and other bits have been walking out the door in exchange for money all week. And friends and family still love us. Happy days!