Roche Rock and Restormel Castle.
Stepping out of the Leadenhall Market and seeing the Lloyd's of London building.
Truro Cathedral where the choir was practicing while we were wowed by the architecture.
Our night out in Kingston-upon-Thames to see Jon Bird's Big Band.
Pizza and iced coffee with a friendly English-speaking Italian owner in Sanremo.
New Zealand lamb and Italian veges roasted in an outdoor wood-fired oven - melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
Being rescued by Albanians when we were transportationally-challenged in Triora.
Being swept down the Aare River in Switzerland - an adrenalin-boosting and body-temperature-lowering experience.
The reaction of the children to my slideshow of portrait images from the Polly Glot Ranch Italian children's English camp. We showed it to them on the last night of the camp and they laughed and cheered and blushed and smiled! You can see the shortened and silent version on Youtube.
The festa (evening festival of food, wine, music and dancing) in Moresco, where we might have been the only travellers present.
Eating figs, warmed by the sun and fresh from the tree .... actually, eating many figs!!
Dinner at Corrado's place in Montebuono. Corrado is an Italian friend of our host in San Giorgio and was very generous - taking us sight-seeing and creating interesting and delicious meals for us, served outside with twinkling lights, wine in crystal glasses, crocheted table cloth, and the occasional bat zipping around. He also happens to be very interesting and charming.
Well, that's my list. Nigel will probably want to add a few others .... :-)
That looks like a very good 4 months so far! Paddy